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Monday, 9 January 2012


 I don't think I have many grey hairs. And the few that I do have are lovingly, cunningly, expensively, time-consumingly disguised by Sibi at my hairdressers. Yet every time I wear a black or navy sweater they seem to come forth and multiply. My shoulders are always the proud owners of at least five pure white strands of hair that seems to have fallen off someone else's head. It's the weirdest thing. It's as though mysterious forces have carefully plucked these neon white strangers off my head and deposited them like badges of honour on my shoulders. Anyone else noticed this? Is this where grey hairs are laid to rest? Black and blue are becoming the new, unwanted grey....

1 comment:

  1. Have taken the liberty of tagging you as one of my favourite blogs in a post - I hope that is ok? Just let me know if not, and will un-tag you... Here is the link...

    Hope that you're well and can't wait to read your next post... x
