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Tuesday, 22 November 2011


Ever wondered WHY men generally look better at 50 than their female counterparts? I reckon it's because they ( hopefully) don't use foundation on their faces. Yesterday I found myself hypnotically scanning faces and realised that so many women my age resort to wearing more and more make-up the older they get. As eyesight declines and delusion sets in it creates the "perfect cosmetic storm". Cover those wrinkles and fine lines and they'll go away. Wrong. Foundation actually emphasises lined imperfections - it's like damp spots on a basement wall. Just as wearing overly tight clothes as one gets older ( see previous blog) is misguided, so is succumbing to the myth that it's possible to roll back the years by applying a "faux" skin of youth. Moisurize, give your skin some glow with a bit of blusher and smile. Unless you are planning on appearing on HD television you will look fabulous. Just don't ever encourage men to moisurize....


  1. Amen! Too much foundation is a sin on an older woman. It finds a home in the lines of our faces and stays only to accentuate those very lines we are trying to hide.

    You provided excellent advice, "Moisurize, give your skin some glow with a bit of blusher and smile. " --

  2. Its all about green smoothies (to drink, not on your face) and la prairie under eye concealer for me! (the smoothies make you glow from the inside).

  3. Hello - I popped here from Simone's blog; interesting as I literally come fresh from the clinique counter today having purchased their latest foundation. It was the first time I have had a sales girl refer to wrinkle coverage in her sales patter. I wasn't sure whether to be relieved or offended! Lou x
